Pursuing Jesus Together

Welcome to Sy Church, a vibrant non-denominational congregation nestled in the heart of Hickory, North Carolina. But what does "Sy" mean? It's more than just a name; it's a Greek prefix that embodies our core values of unity, togetherness, and community. At Sy Church we believe in pursuing Jesus together, and by that we mean equipping the believer through discipleship and walking alongside one another in our process of working out our salvation.

Founded in 2023 by Pastor Caleb and Emily Stoots, Sy Church was planted with a clear mission: to pursue Jesus in unity and to equip believers through discipleship. Our ultimate passion is to see individuals come into a deeper knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ, experiencing His transformative love and grace in their lives. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for spiritual growth and development, empowering people to fulfill their God-given purpose and to actively engage in the work of the Lord.

At Sy Church, we are committed to three foundational pillars: Prayer, Discipleship, and Outreach. Prayer is the heartbeat of our church, as we believe in the power of seeking God's heart and direction through fervent prayer. We are devoted to cultivating a culture of prayer both individually and corporately, believing that it is through prayer that we align our hearts with God's and experience His transformative power in our lives and community.

Discipleship is another cornerstone of our church. We are passionate about equipping believers to grow in their faith and to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Through intentional discipleship, we seek to provide the necessary tools and support for individuals to mature in their relationship with Jesus and to live out their faith authentically.

Outreach is at the heart of everything we do at Sy Church. We believe we are called to go outside the four walls of the church and we are committed to sharing the love of Christ with our local community and beyond. Whether it's through serving at local shelters, supporting other local ministries, or engaging in acts of kindness and compassion, we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go.

If you're curious to learn more about our beliefs as a church, we invite you to explore our Statement of Beliefs. And if you're searching for a church in Hickory, NC, where you can grow spiritually, connect with like-minded believers, and make a difference in our community, we welcome you to join us at Sy Church. Together, let's pursue Jesus, grow in unity, and be His hands and feet in our community and beyond.